Textbook Reading Resources
Selections of chapters from various books (in PDF form), and sometimes other related resources (e.g. figures, etc.). Remember to give proper attribution when/if you use these resources in any of your work.
Introduction to Applied Geophysics (I2AG)
By Burger, Sheehan, & Jones. Publisher's book site (and other resources), and the book errata.
- Approaching The Subsurface: CH 1 Text and Figures.
- Seismic Exploration - Fundamental Considerations: CH 2 Text and Figures.
- Seismic Exploration - The Refraction Method: CH 3 Text and Figures.
- Electrical Resistivity: CH 5 Text and Figures.
Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist (GMEG)
By Dentith and Mudge. Publisher's book site. Book errata as of Janury 2015.
- Seismic Refraction - Appendix 6 (PDF) and figures as JPG or in a PowerPoint.
Introduction to Geophysical Exploration (I2GE)
By Kearey et al.
Looking Into The Earth (LITE)
By Mussett and Kahn
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