Assessments Information and Schedule

Look here to find assigments and due dates.

Field Data Interpretation Reports (FDIR)

  1. Chorro Creek Alluvial Aquifer Interpretation (W-VES and Sch-VES). Due Thursday October 10th (2024!!) by 5 PM. Email me with a PDF generated by Overleaf.

Written Homework

These assignments are more "traditional" assignments such as problems from book reading, or other types of problems that can be done on paper and/or with some software tools. The idea is to keep you up to date on course concepts, to practice things, etc.

  1. HW 1 document. Due by the 1st midterm exam.
  2. HW 2 document. Due by the 1st midterm exam.

Field Book Examination

Standing assignment to turn in after each field lab.


Please see the course schedule table.

The Geophysical Portfolio

Please the course schedule table for due date and Geophysical Portfolio page for details.

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